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October 21, 2003

Reality Is A Problem For Conservatives
Came across an interesting quote today by media analyst Michael Parenti:

"The conservative problem is (that) reality itself is radical. The third world really is poor and oppressed. The United States usually does side with third world oligarchs. Our tax system really is regressive. Millions of Americans do live in poverty. Public services really are being ruthlessly cut. Corporations do plunder and pollute the environment. Real wages for blue collar workers have declined. And the rich have dramatically increased their share of the pie."

Despite their best efforts, there are limits to how much spin morons like Bill O'Rielly, Sean Hannity, the drug-addled Rush Limbo, and the voice of the radical right, the FOX Propaganda Network, can finesse these realities. Sometimes ugly fact just intrudes too strongly on deeply held fantasy. Consequently, to many stalwart conservatives, media reporting of and commentary on things like the costs and problems in Iraq or the tax breaks for the wealthy do prove a "liberal bias" in the media as far as they're concerned.

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