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January 10, 2006

Million Dollar What?

We don't get to the movies much at all; perhaps four times a year, more or less. One of the reasons we have HBO...or maybe because we have HBO? In any case this past weekend, critically acclaimed, Academy Award winning film "Million Dollar Baby" - the boxing story with Clint Eastwood, Hillary Swank, and Morgan Freeman - was on, so why not?

Academy Award? What am I missing here? This film spent over two hours to say, essentially, nothing. The pace was glacial, and that's when it was moving along swiftly. I've seen grass grow faster. The acting was mostly phoned in save for a bit of emoting here and there by Clint. The characters were uninteresting and one-dimensional. The big moral "conflict" at the end was telegraphed at least 45 minutes prior, and it ended leaving the outcome of the Eastwood character totally unresolved. SU claims otherwise, that it was clear he bought the dinner and was there, but I sure didn't see it. Of course by then I'd pretty much lost all interest.

A Million Dollar Bore.