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April 05, 2002

The poets have been remarkably silent on the subject of cheese.

Sony has included software that will crash your computer if you try to play certain CDs on your PC:
"The CD will probably cause a system to crash, but it will not alter anything," the spokeswoman said. "And it won't eject properly, but that's just because the computer has crashed."
[Thanks to: Signal vs Noise]

Apparently this is currently restricted to certain CDs sold in Europe, (and the article references a Celine Dion CD, as if anyone should care) but I'm trying to understand something here. Isn't Sony the same company that advertises their MP3 players and how you can copy music from your PC onto your Sony MP3 device and take it "anywhere you go"?

Megadeath is breaking up. Why do things like this seem to happen 10 or 20 years too late?

Finally, a physio-chemical explanation of why condiments go bad in your refigerator.

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