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April 02, 2002

OH NO! Britney Spears has the same birthday as me.

I suppose I should see Amelie as it's received great reviews from the professional critics as well as from blog folk (who I suppose would be amateur critics). I see two problems with this:

1) It qualifies as an art film. I've yet to remain awake through a single art film. I don't attend screenings of films, I don't go to a cinema - I go to a movie theater to watch a movie.

2) Many of the same blogs that are agog over Amelie also just love Radiohead. I interpret this as a distinct warning, if not a sign of the coming apocalypse. I just don't get Radiohead. Kid A and OK Computer - two back to back discs of pure, undiluted shit. Does crap actually become art if you claim it's art often enough?

From Signal vs. Noise: A court in Sweden has ruled that a man who donated sperm for artificial insemination, enabling a lesbian couple to have three children, must pay child support after the two women separated, a Swedish newspaper reported on Sunday.
Originally at: ...but that has "expired" according to Yahoo.

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