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October 27, 2004

Bush Supporters Are Delusional

They are still standing behind Furious George because they are either delusional or brainwashed. They just cannot rationalize the spectacular failure he has been as a president. A survey, which was conducted in mid-October by the University of Maryland's Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) and Knowledge Networks, a California-based polling firm.

The survey was conducted after the release of the Duelfer Report, which was just one more confirmation that Iraq had no WMD, had no ties to al-Qaeda, and had no responsibility for 9/11. Despite that, the survey found that of the mindless drones that are his supporters, meaning most of the people who identify themselves as Republicans:

72% believe either that Iraq had actual WMD (47%) or a major program for making them (25%).

56% said they thought most experts currently believe Iraq had actual WMD

57% said they thought the Duelfer Report had concluded that Iraq either had WMD (19%) or a major WMD program (38%).

75% believe that Saddam was providing substantial support to al-Qaeda.

20% believe Baghdad was directly involved in the 9/11 attacks.

63% even believe that clear evidence of such support has been found

60% believe most experts agree with this conclusion.

55% believe that was the ultimate finding of the 9-11 commission report.

This is ignorance and the denial of reality of the worst sort. Now where did they get these crazy ideas?

82% perceive the administration as saying that Iraq had WMD.

75% perceive the administration as saying that Iraq was providing substantial support to al-Qaeda.

Some more staggering results:

42% believe foreign views were evenly divided on the war

26% believe that the world population strongly supported the Bush administration's decision to go to war.

Bush supporters are also pig-headedly wrong about Georgie's position on a number of other international issues. What's more, these morons said they [I]favored[/I] the positions that they incorrectly ascribed to the presnit:

69% think he supports the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)

72% think that the administration supports the international ban on land mines.

51% think Furious George supports the Kyoto treaty.

53% still think Buah favors U.S. participation in the international criminal court (even though he said the opposite during the debates).

74% think their man favors the inclusion of labor and environmental standards in trade agreements.

In ten or fifteen years, when it's common knowledge that one-term-president Bush was the worst president in the nation's history, I wonder what will be said about those vote for him for a second term. All those who are delusional enough to have swallowed all the lies from this administration.

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