Bush Supporters Are Delusional
They are still standing behind Furious George because they are either delusional or brainwashed. They just cannot rationalize the spectacular failure he has been as a president. A survey, which was conducted in mid-October by the University of Maryland's Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) and Knowledge Networks, a California-based polling firm.
The survey was conducted after the release of the Duelfer Report, which was just one more confirmation that Iraq had no WMD, had no ties to al-Qaeda, and had no responsibility for 9/11. Despite that, the survey found that of the mindless drones that are his supporters, meaning most of the people who identify themselves as Republicans:
72% believe either that Iraq had actual WMD (47%) or a major program for making them (25%).
56% said they thought most experts currently believe Iraq had actual WMD
57% said they thought the Duelfer Report had concluded that Iraq either had WMD (19%) or a major WMD program (38%).
75% believe that Saddam was providing substantial support to al-Qaeda.
20% believe Baghdad was directly involved in the 9/11 attacks.
63% even believe that clear evidence of such support has been found
60% believe most experts agree with this conclusion.
55% believe that was the ultimate finding of the 9-11 commission report.
This is ignorance and the denial of reality of the worst sort. Now where did they get these crazy ideas?
82% perceive the administration as saying that Iraq had WMD.
75% perceive the administration as saying that Iraq was providing substantial support to al-Qaeda.
Some more staggering results:
42% believe foreign views were evenly divided on the war
26% believe that the world population strongly supported the Bush administration's decision to go to war.
Bush supporters are also pig-headedly wrong about Georgie's position on a number of other international issues. What's more, these morons said they [I]favored[/I] the positions that they incorrectly ascribed to the presnit:
69% think he supports the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)
72% think that the administration supports the international ban on land mines.
51% think Furious George supports the Kyoto treaty.
53% still think Buah favors U.S. participation in the international criminal court (even though he said the opposite during the debates).
74% think their man favors the inclusion of labor and environmental standards in trade agreements.
In ten or fifteen years, when it's common knowledge that one-term-president Bush was the worst president in the nation's history, I wonder what will be said about those vote for him for a second term. All those who are delusional enough to have swallowed all the lies from this administration.
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