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October 27, 2004

Bush Says Vote For Kerry!

In a campaign speech today, Furious George said:

For a political candidate to jump to conclusions without knowing the facts is not a person you want as your commander in chief.

A very compelling and thoughtful argument for why he should not be reelected. As Gen. Wesley Clarke eloquently explains in a statement today:

President Bush couldn?t be more right. He jumped to conclusions about any connection between Saddam Hussein and 911. He jumped to conclusions about weapons of mass destruction. He jumped to conclusions about the mission being accomplished. He jumped to conclusions about how we had enough troops on the ground to win the peace. And because he jumped to conclusions, terrorists and insurgents in Iraq may very well have their hands on powerful explosives to attack our troops, we are stuck in Iraq without a plan to win the peace, and Americans are less safe both at home and abroad.

By doing all these things, he broke faith with our men and women in uniform. He has let them down. George W. Bush is unfit to be our Commander in Chief.

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