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March 06, 2007

Faux News Does It Again

[Image from]
Fox once again publishes what they desperately want to be true, not what actually happened.

Yes, in all fairness, Fox is technically correct (by the slimmest of semantics): of the 5 indictments against him, Libby was found guilty on only 4. The one he was acquitted of was indeed
a charge that he gave false statements to the FBI about his conversation with Time magazine reporter Matt Cooper. However, he was found guilty on count #2: he intentionally gave FBI agents false information about a conversation he had with NBC’s Tim Russert regarding Valerie Plame Wilson.

So, he was found not guilty of lying to the FBI on one count, but was guilty of lying to the FBI on another count. But you wouldn't know this from Fox's breathless breaking news crawl.

It really doesn't matter though. No matter what Fox says, we have yet another convicted felon in the Bush administration.

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