that last directory name. So if I opt out of their mailings, I'm not merely pitiful, but the greatest degree of pitifulness? Asshats.
March 30, 2007
What Spammers Think Of Us
Just got a piece of spam for some kind of shopping spree. As usual there was a link to have my address removed from their list if I didn't want to receive any more "special offers via e-mail". The link was:
March 06, 2007
Damn! Another Golden Scam Opportunity Missed!
Once again, someone beat me in dreaming up a great scam for relieving morons of their money. Seems that a California entrepreneur has come up with bottled holy water:
Full article here.
Snake oil refuses to die.
As the body thirsts, so does the soul. So why drink regular drinking water when you can partake in a more blessed beverage? Bottled Holy drinking water is bottled in Stockton, California and blessed by priests from southern California.
Full article here.
Snake oil refuses to die.
Faux News Does It Again
[Image from]
Fox once again publishes what they desperately want to be true, not what actually happened.
Yes, in all fairness, Fox is technically correct (by the slimmest of semantics): of the 5 indictments against him, Libby was found guilty on only 4. The one he was acquitted of was indeed a charge that he gave false statements to the FBI about his conversation with Time magazine reporter Matt Cooper. However, he was found guilty on count #2: he intentionally gave FBI agents false information about a conversation he had with NBC’s Tim Russert regarding Valerie Plame Wilson.
So, he was found not guilty of lying to the FBI on one count, but was guilty of lying to the FBI on another count. But you wouldn't know this from Fox's breathless breaking news crawl.
It really doesn't matter though. No matter what Fox says, we have yet another convicted felon in the Bush administration.
March 01, 2007
Grow A Set Already
First it was Obama, who felt he had to apologize for saying American troop lives were wasted in Iraq. Now it's McCain. Last night on Letterman he said:
On a related note....Obama's quote about wasted lives creates a firestorm as the "liberal media" breathlessly reports it in every nook and cranny of the country and the right wing noise machine goes into blustery overdrive. McCain says the same thing and it's barely mentioned by any of the major media. Where the hell is the outrage from Beck, Hannity, Malkin, Limbo, and the other asshats?
Yet today, he found it necessary to release this statement:"Americans are very frustrated, and they have every right to be. We've wasted a lot of our most precious treasure, which is American lives."
"Last evening, I referred to American casualties in Iraq as wasted. I should have used the word sacrificed, as I have in the past. No one appreciates and honors more than I do the selfless patriotism of American servicemen and women in the Iraq War. We owe them a debt we can never fully repay."Hey! Politicians! Get a clue and grow a set of balls already! Have the nerve to tell the truth. Bush has done exactly that with his fabricated, illegal war - he's wasted the lives of over 3000 American troops and 100000 Iraqis needlessly. McCain doesn't realize that pointless sacrifice = wasted.
On a related note....Obama's quote about wasted lives creates a firestorm as the "liberal media" breathlessly reports it in every nook and cranny of the country and the right wing noise machine goes into blustery overdrive. McCain says the same thing and it's barely mentioned by any of the major media. Where the hell is the outrage from Beck, Hannity, Malkin, Limbo, and the other asshats?
Spam Generators Are Fun
We all know about spambots using random dictionary words in an attempt to get past Bayesian spam filters. Two recent ones are notable. First, from the subject line, we have a new sport for quantum physicists: Eigenspace Baseball
Then there's a perfect headline for a news story waiting to be written: Laptop being tossed, balcony furious.
Then there's a perfect headline for a news story waiting to be written: Laptop being tossed, balcony furious.
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