Must Flee TV
Happened to have NBC on last night for the majority of their prime time fare. I don't usually do this. Sure, I've watched an occasional Friends this season and Scrubs is kinda OK, but, WTF? At one time during television seasons of bygone days, NBC on Thursday nights could be reasonably counted upon to produce at least some chuckles if not outright LOL. Now?Friends - a dismal characterization of its former self - and it was never all that funny to begin with. These people are total morons bordering on the psychotic. There is no way they'd ever be able to live in the NYC apartments they have since they wouldn't be able to hold down a job at McDonald's. Any children they have would already be in the custody of Children's Protective Services. The writers ran out of ideas for this a long time ago.
Scrubs - sorta sometimes smile-inducing, but these clowns are just as annoying as Friends. Sad it only took 0.6 seasons to become so.
Will & Grace - this is one of the most unfunny, unsexy, steaming pile of turds being broadcast. It makes no sense that it has received as many awards as it has over the years, unless all the voting judges of all the awards were given free blow-jobs by the cast.
Something about Miami I think? - I don't even know the title of the piece of shit waste of a half-hour that comes on after W&G.
Maybe I should just start watching reruns of South Park on Thursday evenings. NBC's fare makes me want to soak my head in a bucket of lye and pull out my eyeballs.
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