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September 23, 2008

Ski Fashion Rant

1) Is Steep and Cheap rapidly becoming the disposal outlet for ugly-ass 70's style huge sunglasses?

2) Reminder: chunky, plastic, white sunglasses don't look cool on anyone, nor do they make anyone look cool. They just make the wearer look like a Joey.

3) Observation: a helmet with a helmet cam atop (so you can record every precious POV moment of your trip)....

1. instantly brands you as a touron
2. in sunlight at the right angle, casts a shadow that looks remarkably like the silhouette of a condom. (Empirically proven this past season by Guidocam(TM))

February 12, 2008

Jack Nicholson's Pick Up Line

Jack Nicholson has revealed his #1 pick-up line:

Jack told Heart FM DJ Harriet Scott: "You walk up to someone you like and you're feeling relaxed, they think, 'Oh, here comes the shark' and you say to them, 'When did you get pregnant?'

"You will have somebody off balance after that particular line."

Excuse me? He's freakin' Jack Nicholson. Wouldn't his #1 pick up line be: "Hi. I'm Jack Nicholson."?

February 02, 2008

Things to Retire #4238

To the ever expanding list of things that need to be retired thanks to merciless overuse we can add:

You go, girl! : really, enough already. This was trite and hackneyed approximately 90 seconds after it was first said and was immediately interred when the evil Oprah started to use it.

The passive voice in ski writing, as in "All of the turns we made today were had off the gondola." or "Good skiing was to be had in the protected woods." Talk about an artificial air of importance! C'mon folks, it's just ski writing, not War and Peace.

January 16, 2008

Michigan Surprise

A lot is being made in the media about Romney's win in the Michigan Republican primary. What is arguably far more interesting is that Ron Paul, the Republican that Republicans despise, beat both great-hope Fred Thompson and Rudy 9iu11ani. In fact, Paul beat Thompson in all but 7 of the 83 Michigan counties and beat 9iu11ani in every single one. Sure, both of them basically phoned in their campaign, concentrating instead on South Carolina and Florida, but still, Ron Paul isn't supposed to be doing this according to conventional wisdom.