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August 17, 2007

From The Delusional Actors File

Steven Seagal (who? remember him?) seems to think that an FBI probe ruined his career:

"False FBI accusations fueled thousands of articles saying that I terrorize journalists and associate with the Mafia," Seagal told the newspaper. "These kinds of inflammatory allegations scare studio heads and independent producers -- and kill careers."

Seagal, 56, was once a major star of action movies such as 1992's "Under Siege," which earned $156 million at worldwide box offices, but now he makes straight-to-DVD releases such as "Flight of Fury and "Attack Force."

Gee, Steven, it's just a wild guess, but maybe your career was ruined because you can barely act and most of your movies just plain suck. (Although the Under Siege movies were OK guilty pleasures.)

August 13, 2007

Stop Opening Attachments From Unknown Senders!!!

For the love of god stop opening email attachments or clicking on links from senders you don't know! It's mid 2007; the fricken Web is well over a decade old. Do people still need to be reminded of this? Really? Are people still not running and/or keeping up-to-date anti-virus + anti-spyware + firewall software? Really?

For the past few weeks there's been an ever-increasing wave of spam claiming "You've received a greeting card from a friend/colleague/worshipper/family member/neighbor/classmate/business partner/random asshole." Click on the enclosed link, often a PDF file, which is sometimes sent as an attachment, and your PC has just contracted the Storm worm and become part of the Storm zombie network that sends out even more spam - or worse. According to security firm SecureWorks, 1.7 million idiots have done just that. The number of Storm attacks blocked by SecureWorks has skyrocketed, from 71,342 for the first five months of the year to 20.2M since June. The scary thing is that computer security experts are concerned that a botnet of that size is capable of an ginormous DDOS attack - one that big enough to bring down a small country or big chunks of the US government.

So do your eyes light up in eager anticipation when you get an email that Ronald Reagan has sent you an e-card and you rush to click the link? Quit being a moron! And make sure your security software is constantly updated. Or at least buy a Mac fer crissakes!