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June 22, 2005

Is It Really That Difficult?

Apparently so. There are lots of discussion fora on the net covering a vast array of topics and interest areas. Obiously most people only look at/participate in a minute fraction of them. We all use the subject line as a filter to select the topics of interest. I'd think most are aware of this. Then why, in mid-2005, do people insist on using meaningless subject lines like......
  • Need help
  • A few questions......
  • Good Question
  • What does this mean
  • Help me please!
  • Windows XP <---- this in a forum titled "Windows XP"
  • This is New to Me
  • Weird Problem
  • Help or I am Screwed
  • Having a Ton of Trouble Here
It seems that this is most prevalent on tech support fora or in beginner sections, but by no means limited to those. Really folks, is it that difficult to come up with a subject line that actually relates what the post might be about?

June 10, 2005

Movie Plot Generator

A movie version of Bewitched. A film version of The Honeymooners. Second, third, fifth, and seventh sequels. Hollywood is officially out of ideas. Time for the rest of us to get to work developing plots.The movie plot generator solves all of our problems. Here's the result from my first go:

Helium Ninja
an original screenplay concept
by Marc

Science Fiction: A shell-shocked war vet teams up with a well-built female cyborg to discover America. In the process they accidentally kill a gay interior decorator. By the end of the movie they blow up 98 ewoks and end up winning the admiration of their kind hearted prostitute, living happily ever after.

Think Waterworld meets forbidden planet.